Monday, March 23, 2009

It has been a while. I have so many things happen good and bad. We found out that we are having a boy, Kaulin is at the top of his class and Keaton is getting to smart for his own good. Jared has a full quarter coming up with 23 credits and lead in the next TVCC play. I am very stressed we have to try to get this house in a week and I hardly ever work. I just pray we will know what to do. On Saturday we had sunny then thunderstorms so I decided to have a picnic out in the front yard with the boys followed by Jared and Kaulin taking in his bike to get never flat tires while Keaton and I layed on the lawn. Keaton is obsessed with rolly poley's He had about 10 of them on the blanket and was trying to keep them in his cage (which was a bottle top) I wouldn't let him bring them in so I made his set them free when the weather started to get bad. We were headed to our friend to go paint when the storm hit. Jared was getting some supplies from a house he is working on with his dad when a lighting strike hit right behind the house it was so neat then the thunder happened it was the loudest I have ever heard thunder it shook the truck and the whole house I was waiting for the windows to break.
Oh and we got conference tickets for the Sunday afternoon session. We are going down with the Clayton's and no kids!!!! The Kings are going to watch the boys and they are looking forward to staying @ grandma's and grandpa's. Jared and I are looking forward to a get away with no children we got a hotel and are going to Taccuno's for dinner. We are kind of making it an anniversary trip/conference trip. We will have been married for 5 years tomorrow! Ha I bet no one saw us making it at all let alone this long. I truly love my husband even though we drive each other crazy at times I wouldn't trade him in for anything. He is my rock.

Friday, February 20, 2009

This is one of my favorites!!

I wanted to share some of these pictures that the wonderful Amy Brown did for me and the boys. Jared was out of town doing soccer when these were taken. We are still very much a family I just had to throw that in because Jared calls them my single parent photos.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pink Nails and baby dolls

This weekend I had the opportunity to watch our really close friends children. They have a 5 year old boy and a 1 1/2 yr. old little girl. Caleb of course just plays with the boys. Ada on the other hand was all mine. I was in heaven!! I painted her nails pink and brushed her hair trying to style it of course (which she actually let me do!) I held her until she fell asleep, checked on her every hour of the night (I was very tired the next morning!) The next morning I got her ready and we played dolls and I had so much fun. It was nice to have a little girl in the house. Our friends will never know quite how thankful I am.

The Super Bowl

So we just watched the big game and Jared and I wanted to have the underdogs win, so were going for the Cardinals. I made the mistake however in telling Kaulin that Obama was going for the Steelers so the whole game he said he was for the "White team" and he continued to go on telling us they were going to whoop us. Well look at that he was right and they did whoop us! I will say that I thought it was a good game.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

3 Holiday's and stuff mushed inbetween.

Wow I'm not very good at this whole blog thing so I will try to piece together the last two months I mean three. Thanksgiving came and went it was really nice we had dinner at home Just the four of us. I think we had chicken, we didn't go all out since we were the only ones in town. We also enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner with my mom and grandma and Bob when they came up. (We had it on Halloween!) December went surprisingly well for us I got a new Christmas tree (it is huge!) We decorated and enjoyed alot of family time together. We spent Christmas Eve with Jared's family and Christmas day was pretty low key. New Years Eve we went to a party at our old ward which was nice the kids played Jared and I Karaoke! then we came home in time to watch the ball fall and then it was off to bed! Jared has been asked to be the asst. Men's soccer coach for next fall and we are looking forward to that. Keaton went to the doctor yesterday over his cyst on his foot and it popped the night before so I felt quite foolish when the nurse asked where it was. The doctor however, found it and we just have to monitor it over the next little while.
Oh I forgot during Christmas and since then Jared has been taking the kids skiing and Kaulin is a natural!! He goes really fast which he calls "Full Bomb!" he can now turn and for the most part stays up with Jared. Keaton had fun but gets going to fast and now is a little scared so Jared is going to get him a harness! ( I had really good pictures of them but, the disc wont' work on my computer! AHHHH!!) Anyway, And we had to say goodbye to our Jackson. He was just too much for us! Actually he wouldn't stop going to the bathroom in the house so we found him a good home with more potty training skills then I could offer him. That in a nut shell is about it if I think of more I will let you all know.

Friday, November 7, 2008

It has been a while so much has gone on since my last time on here so I will start out with my mom coming to visit. My mom and Bob and grandma came to visit us for a week. They planned to stay @ our house in their motor home and then go gold mining while they were up here. The same weekend that they were coming I have my last two wisdom teeth removed. It involved getting put under and alot of inappropriate comments once I came to! So I was in unbealieveable pain when my mom arrived but I was so glad that she was there I actually fell asleep with my head in her lap like a I did when I was little. We had a great time! They went Trick-or-Treating with the boys, helped Jared and I paint an apartment, I even made my family have a Thanksgiving meal on Halloween since we will not see them for a while. I know that my mom will nver forgive me for making her go to Walmart at midnight on the 31st to get 50% of Halloween items. I just am so glad that I got to spend time with MY family and with my mommy who I miss so much. I love you mom!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our newest addition to our family!

Our newest addition is a puppy named Jackson! He is about a pound and is so cute. The story behind getting him is the funny part though. About a year ago, Karley's dog had puppies and she had one that was so cute but we still lived in the town home so we didn't get him. This weekend we were taking Karley home and she had mentioned that the dog had had puppies again.... So we convinced Jared that he also needed to take Karley home with us. He didn't understand why until he saw them 3 puppies and he knew he had been tricked. I looked @ all three and found ours to be my favorite. He is the runt so he will stay very small!! Jared said no and no and the well if you get rid of a cat I will let you have one. Then he finally gave in which Karley and I knew he would do. Funny how us girls are so smart AND tricky. Well here he is!